I'm still not easy calling myself a writer!!! I have one, not very impressive credit on IMDB and a couple of scripts floating around like that famous plastic bag on American Beauty but I haven't seen that bag in any other movies lately have you?!!
I'm not a confident person about me, but throughout the writing process it is imperative that other people read your words. The only catch is getting someone to read that fills 2 important boxes.
1. They know what they're talking about!!!
2. The are willing to be brutal and honest!!!

I met a young lady at my younger brother's wedding (he keeps paying out!) late last year who is an accomplished writer/producer/director and was lucky enough to have a bit of a chat and have since exchanged emails and ideas on each others work.
So I did the pushy writer thing and sent all my unsolicited scripts for feedback!!! No expectations but man did she pay off!!!!
The funny thing is I happened to be checking my emails yesterday and noticed there were 9 emails in my spam account so I entered with the intention of clicking on the helpful "Delete All" key but noticed one of the subject headings was 'Short and Feature Scripts'. This email bounty was sitting in my SPAM for exactly 1 month!!!
So after reading and rereading I sent Claire a thank you email and went to work on changing or not, parts of different scripts based on honest/knowledgeable comments/suggestions/opinions made by Claire.
Last night this made me think how helpful some people in the industry can be!! And more to the point how to surround yourself with these people!!
Another issue I faced during the process of reading the ideas was; what do I do if I disagree with an opinion/comment? Well that's easy. If you believe the character/dialogue/scene whatever deserves to be there keep it. But also think about how the story would change without it. If it's a cool scene/character that doesn't further the story then bin it!
NOW I have 2 short scripts that I am happy with, what is the next step? I've been told to shmooze with industry people at Film Fests etc but in Charters Towers it's all booze and no shmooze!!! So I guess I'll go back to what has worked the last 2 times. Cold Call, keep emailing producers and hope that if I get one to actually read the script we can work from there!!!
Anyone interested in reading unsolicited scripts (short and feature) can email me at jlind78@gmail.com
Speaking of Film Festivals, The Pessimist is screening at Byron Bay Film Festival on the 12th of March but still not sure what it is nominated for apart from Best Short. So fingers crossed!!

It's also my fathers 64th birthday today, so happy birthday DAD!!!! So here's a pic of your 3rd grandson Benjamin!!!

Until then hail to my decision!
Lash La Rue, I'm glad I can help when I can. Awesome to hear that connections were made at my wedding, while I was off dropping trou and dancing no doubt.
ReplyDeleteLove the new photos, he's looking good.
You certainly sound like a writer to me!
ReplyDeleteRyan if you can get your hands on a copy of The Northern Star (newspaper) today it has a full programme of the Byron Bay Film Festival. I have a programme of ALL of the festivals that The Pessimist has screened at, except Venice (name dropping!;-) It is in today's the 25th!!!!
ReplyDeleteThank you Rol, us writers (there I said it!) are very vulnerable and need the ego boost!!!