Well I'm putting it out there again!! My balls that is!!! Figuratively not literally!!!!
The good people at
QPIX have different funding programs and one of them is
'2010 Short Drama Program' (read: Any short script NOT non-fiction/documentary).
I have several short scripts in the different stages of development. I sent a bunch (4) to an assortment of producers in QLD and received some encouraging feedback by a couple of producers who had heard of
"The Pessimist" and were going to read the aforementioned scripts and get back to me. No breath holding for moi. One producer got back to me with a resounding 'yes' I like the characters, dialogue, tone etc of the shorts and will read the feature length soon. Well yes it's great to have someone who has made shorts to like my writing but I've heard it all before!!!! Will he actually help me get one or more off the ground and become a reality? WHO KNOWS???
He did however say that
"The Entertainer" and
"Google EARTH" were good enough to consider applying for funding through
QPIX but the deadline is
19th March. So I clicked on the handy link and perused the application information. I have looked at compititions/funding programs before and the things that stuck out about this one.
- It didn't cost anything!
- I didn't have to have a producer attached
- It's based in QLD
- Each writer can apply with upto 3 scripts.
- They ACTUALLY make the scripts they choose into award winning shorts!
So I've spent a week tweaking both scripts, writing a 1 paragraph synopsis and a treatment for each. I'll keep tweaking and rejigging until I think they are as good as they could/should be. Then at the end of this week I'll post these two kernals to Brisbane hoping that I have the right ingredients to POP a nice buttery salty bag of popcorn to keep me nourished while I sit in the dark in anticipation.
I just have to believe that lightning can strike twice and "The Pessimist" isn't destined to be my only credit as I'm even getting tired of me talking about it!
Well if you would like to read any of the scripts I have written or even better know how I can get funding my email is
Fingers crossed and I keep you posted!
Until then hail to the moula!