Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Benjamin James Lindsay

Well it's been a while but I think I have an excuse!!! On the 5th of October my wife went through the ordeal of giving birth to my first son Benjamin. He weighed in at 4400g or 9lb 11 and a half oz. Which if you aren't familiar is a very good weight!!!! He was also 55cm at birth which leads me to believe he might take after his paternal grandfather and he'll be a tall feller.

Since that day (3 weeks and 1 day) my life has revolved around this little bundle of joy! And I'm not complaining. It doesn't bother me when he starts crying at 2am for a feed or when I am wiping poo from his bottom or even when a jet stream of urine sprays all over me during bath time. I have to look after this little human and make sure he has the tools to function in society later in life.

As a teacher I have seen so many instances when a naughty boy just needed some love and compassion and he would be a different person. Therefore it is my responsibility to make sure Ben understands the difference between right and wrong and why he needs to do the right thing when he has the opportunity to go either way.

In the next week I'll post some photos to prove what a little champion he is!

Until then hail to procreating!

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