It's been two weeks and this count down isn't getting any easier! However in the last two weeks I've finished the first term for the year, seen my mum for her 60th brithday and travelled to Melbourne with my pregnant wife to see my beloved Kangaroos lose to the Hawks at Etihad Stadium and caught with up my only/best mate from down south Leroy. Okay okay no more delay here are the sixes!!
Top Ten - The Sixes
As someone who has officially called script writing a hobby, this is a script I would have loved to write. It’s a great character study about normal people with normal problems. Cheatings on our partners, being cheated on by our partners, making mistakes and even just to be tempted by mistakes. The casting is sublime, even Glenn Robbins manages to fit in. Vince Colomoso is MY stand out as the every day husband/father who becomes a suspect to murder. If there is any hope for the Aussie Film industry this is it!
Glory Days – Bruce Springsteen
Well there's a girl that lives up the block
back in school she could turn all the boy's heads
Sometimes on a Friday I'll stop by
and have a few drinks after she put her kids to bed
Her and her husband Bobby well they split up
I guess it's two years gone by now
We just sit around talking about the old times,
she says when she feels like crying
she starts laughing thinking about
I have always been a huge fan of this song and as every year passes and I get older and more nostalgic it becomes more pertinent. It has a kick ass beat and lyrics that I have learnt mostly over the years. I have very fond memories of playing this in the lounge room with my dad and brothers really enjoying the moment man!
T.V Series
My wife and kids
5 seasons of solid funny! Damon Wayans is great as the father Michael Kyle and he is supported by an able cast. However this show like ‘Earl’ wouldn’t be the same without the lead creative, Damon. While it was airing I wouldn’t miss an episode and WILL buy the seasons when it’s for sale. I won’t go on too much but suffice to say this ickled my funny bone.
The Wanderers – Richard Price
Yes sure this is one of the few occasions where I saw the movie first but both are fantastic and as far as books go there are only 5 others I rate higher than this one! One thing that I particularly liked about this book was that it wasn’t a novalisation of the movie. There are sub plots not touched on in the movie that are very interesting including a very nasty scene about pre tweens pushing a kid off a roof and Eugene the conquerer nailing a deaf girl that my younger bro and I found very funny.
In other news I am still waiting to hear back from a producer in Brisbane.
I finished reading a novel written by my younger bro Ryan and I loved it. Sure we have the same humour but I truely believe this is a publishable manuscript and would be so happy for him if he lives the dream and makes it a reality.
I have had a breakthrough on my feature length script, it's still a little tighter!
My amazing wife is 16 weeks and 4 days pregnant.
I am also close to completing the carport, finally.
Until then my boys can swim!
Interesting choices, I still haven't seen Lantana...I know, I will...
ReplyDeleteI've lost my copy of The Wanderers, so pissed about it, it's gone away with a few of my books, sadly.
Thanks for the compliments on the novel bro, much appreciated, once I have your notes I'll do another pass at it.